//To Track Thy Youtube Upon Google Analytics
//Regardless the number of Players upon thy stage
//Revised and Revisioned to Version 3
//Harken version 3 was written during the Polar Vortex
//Which Struck our fair city lo in January of 2014
//Performed by LunaMetrics http://www.lunametrics.com @lunametrics
//and Sayf Sharif @sayfsharif
//With help as noted by additional coders of note and fame
//inline below whereupon their input was recieved
//Tis code not the most triumphant
//Nor that of most efficiency
//but neither is the field of poppies
//stretch’d ere the distance
//it matches its purpose
//Forget thou not to subscribeth to our bloge: http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/
//Forsooth here doth we instantiate thy youtube player api
//as it was written by the Google
var tag = document.createElement(‘script’);
tag.src = «//www.youtube.com/iframe_api»;
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
//Then as a drop of rain we create two heavenly arrays
//who may hold in thy endless bossom our value
//necessary they may be not, but what is love
//but the ample clevage of an array
var videoArray = new Array();
var playerArray = new Array();
//And a third, new to Part 3
//whereupon we now shall seek the title of our fair video
//with thanks to Alex Moore @almoo
//who is known by the Romanians
var videoTitle = new Array();
//and what is life without a magical switch
//for true we show the true title of the player
//unhindered by disguise or shadow
//for false we leave it obscured by darkness
//and the player id
//so rings the clock
//1 doth show the player title
//2 doth show the player id
//3 doth show both as concatenated by the hand of man
var showTitle = 3;
//and if you are not tracking
//even with this code
//try setting this line to 1
//for with it we force the youtube beast
//and reload the frames
//which oft works
var reloadFrames = 0;
//And Then Lo We Tracked The Frames
//with hounds ere the dark of knight
//we sought them to blood our first array
function trackYouTube() {
//What am i, but nothing?
var i = 0;
//Harken to the iframes of the page
//thy loathesome demon gallavanting upon
//our innocent sweet html
jQuery(‘iframe’).each(function() {
//but what is this?
//an iframe! Avast!
if ($(this).attr(‘src’)) {
//it has a source!
//Lo we can see it’s innards
//as Han was wont to slice the tauntaun
var video = $(this);
var vidSrc = video.attr(‘src’);
//by default we shant do the following
//but if your tracking seems to suffer
//adjust they variable above
//and refresh the frames upon loading
if (reloadFrames) {
//next some trickery
//has it the foul stench of the demon parameter
var regex1 = /(?:https?:)?\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/embed\/([\w-]{11})(\?)?/;
var SourceCheckA = vidSrc.match(regex1);
if (!SourceCheckA) {
return true; // same as continue php
if (SourceCheckA[2] == «?») {
//it has the beast
//we must be cautious
//has it been thus gifted for jsapi magic?
var regex2 = /enablejsapi=1/;
var SourceCheckB = vidSrc.match(regex2);
if (SourceCheckB) {
//it has the gift
//accept it and move on
} else {
//we shall embrace our foe
//and provide it with stardust
vidSrc = vidSrc + «&enablejsapi=1»;
//but has the beast an origin
//where it pulled itself from its dank pit
var regex2 = /origin=.*/;
var SourceCheckC = vidSrc.match(regex2);
if (SourceCheckC) {
for (j = 0; j < SourceCheckC.length; j++) { //Ah but it has an origin and we shall change it //waving our hands we create a new origin //as there is no place like window.location.hostname newOrigin = «origin=» + window.location.hostname; var vidSrc = vidSrc.replace(regex2, newOrigin); } } else { //but nay it was homeless //sad and alone //we shall embrace it and drape it //in our warm cloth vidSrc = vidSrc + «&origin=» + window.location.hostname; } } else { //It is missing the mark of the parameter entirely //this is not unexpected //we shall garb it in the clothing of our homeland //and provide it with it’s magic for battle vidSrc = vidSrc + «?enablejsapi=1&origin=» + window.location.hostname; } //We reaffirm the source unto itself //tho it may cause a stutter //silence the next line should you incorporate //no magic or origins video.attr(‘src’, vidSrc); } //We shall check the source //lo ere the response incorrect //we shall ignore it. //Once we did this brutally //with the ham fist of strange logic //until Nicole did deliver this //upon the blog comments //http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2012/10/22/automatically-track-youtube-videos-events-google-analytics/ //the wonders of Reg Ex var regex = /(?:https?:)?\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/embed\/([\w-]{11})(?:\?.*)?/; var matches = vidSrc.match(regex); //Should the former reg provide a match //it shall appear in an array of matches if (matches && matches.length > 1) {
//we now place the beating heart of the youtube id
//in our first heavenly array
videoArray[i] = matches[1];
//and then mark the vile iframe beast
//with the id of this video so that all
//may know it, and reference it
video.attr(‘id’, matches[1]);
//And Then Alex Moore came forth
//and said ‘lo this ID is a jumble
//we should provide a more meaningful title
//soas to tell the nobles from the brigands
//as we now can through my faithful
//json. Attend and be amazed!
//And for this, I am no longer nothing, I am more
//To obtain the real titles of our noble videos
//rather than the gibberish jumble
//as provided to by the wizard Alex Moore
function getRealTitles(j) {
if (showTitle == 2) {
playerArray[j] = new YT.Player(videoArray[j], {
videoId: videoArray[j],
events: {
‘onStateChange’: onPlaFteChange
} else {
//We pray into the ether
//harken oh monster of youtube
//tell us the truth of this noble video
var tempJSON = $.getJSON(‘http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/’ + videoArray[j] + ‘?v=2&alt=json’, function(data, status, xhr) {
//and lo the monster repsonds
//it’s whispers flowing as mist
//through the mountain crag
videoTitle[j] = data.entry.title.$t;
//and we now knowning it’s truth
//the truth of it’s birth
//we annoit it and place it on it’s throne
//as is provided by the documentation
playerArray[j] = new YT.Player(videoArray[j], {
videoId: videoArray[j],
events: {
‘onStateChange’: onPlayerStateChange
//once we started our story with a document ready
//from the jquery
//but oft this caused problems
//as the youtube monster would instantiate too quickly
//in a rush, it would beat the jquery to completetion
//and instantiate it’s elements prior to our array
//so we wait. for the page to load fully
//which may cause problems with thy pages
//should your other elements not comply and load quickly
//forsooth they are the problem not i
$(function() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000); // время в мс
//Should one wish our monstrous video to play upon load
//we could set that here. But for us. We shall let it
//sleep. Sleep video. Await thy time.
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(event) {
//And lo did Chris Green say
//upon the blog comments
//Why not a pause flag
//one to prevent the terrors of the spammy
//pause events when a visitor
//doth drag the slide bar
//cross’t thy player
//and all said huzzah
//let us start by setting his flag to false
//so that we know it is not true
var pauseFlagArray = new Array();
//When our caged monster wishes to act
//we are ready to hold it’s chains
//and enslave it to our will.
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
//Let us accept the player which was massaged
//by the mousey hands of woman or man
var videoURL = event.target.getVideoUrl();
//We must strip from it, the true identity
var regex = /v=([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/;
var matches = videoURL.match(regex);
videoID = matches[1];
//and prepare for it’s true title
thisVideoTitle = «»;
//we look through all the array
//which at first glance may seem unfocused
//but tis the off kilter response
//from the magical moore json
//which belies this approach
//Tis a hack? A kludge?
//These are fighting words, sir!
for (j = 0; j < videoArray.length; j++) { //tis the video a match? if (videoArray[j] == videoID) { //apply the true title! thisVideoTitle = videoTitle[j] || «»; console.log(thisVideoTitle); //should we have a title, alas naught else if (thisVideoTitle.length > 0) {
if (showTitle == 3) {
thisVideoTitle = thisVideoTitle + » | » + videoID;
} else if (showTitle == 2) {
thisVideoTitle = videoID;
} else {
thisVideoTitle = videoID;
//Should the video rear it’s head
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {
«http://www.google-analytics.com/collect», {
v: ‘1’,
tid: tid,
cid: cid,
t: ‘event’,
ec: ‘Videos’,
ea: ‘Play’
//thy video plays
//reaffirm the pausal beast is not with us
pauseFlagArray[j] = false;
//should the video tire out and cease
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
«http://www.google-analytics.com/collect», {
v: ‘1’,
tid: tid,
cid: cid,
t: ‘event’,
ec: ‘Videos’,
ea: ‘Watch to End’
console.log(‘Watch to End’);
//and should we tell it to halt, cease, heal.
//confirm the pause has but one head and it flies not its flag
//lo the pause event will spawn a many headed monster
//with events overflowing
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED && pauseFlagArray[j] != true) {
«http://www.google-analytics.com/collect», {
v: ‘1’,
tid: tid,
cid: cid,
t: ‘event’,
ec: ‘Videos’,
ea: ‘Pause’,
ev: Math.round(playerArray[j].getCurrentTime())
//tell the monster it may have
//but one head
pauseFlagArray[j] = true;
//and should the monster think, before it doth play
//after we command it to move
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING) {
«http://www.google-analytics.com/collect», {
v: ‘1’,
tid: tid,
cid: cid,
t: ‘event’,
ec: ‘Videos’,
ea: ‘Buffering’
//and should it cue
//for why not track this as well.
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.CUED) {
«http://www.google-analytics.com/collect», {
v: ‘1’,
tid: tid,
cid: cid,
t: ‘event’,
ec: ‘Videos’,
ea: ‘Cueing’